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children's ministry

At FUMC, we value the way children bring joy and laughter into our community. Jesus calls us to welcome the little children and to look to their faith as an example of our own.

There are many options for you and your children to get involved, including Children's Church, Courageous Girls, Children's Choir, and VBS.

Sunday mornings

The Nursery serves children ages birth-3 years of age, so parents can rest easy during Sunday School and Worship.


Sunday School is a fun time for children in PreK-4 through 5th grade to grow in their faith through engaging Bible-related activities, small group connections, and prayer. Faith formation activities are age appropriate and designed to help children grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Children's Church is a time for children experience age-appropriate worship through Bible stories and exciting worship songs while their parents worship in The Sanctuary. 

9-11 am

9-10 am

10-11 am

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