Card Ministry
Write cards to encourage, comfort, and thank people within our church and in the community for one month. Materials are provided.
Sing for the Lord with all your heart. Chancel Choir meets each Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Chancel Choir sings during the 10am service throughout the year.
Make our church more welcoming by greeting folks and showing the way to anyone new to our congregation. The hospitality team serves each Sunday and during special events.
Lead activities in Children's Church on Sunday at 10am. Get involved in special events by leading crafts or games, helping to decorate, or setting up and tearing down the space.
Help prepare Communion by taking stock, purchasing bread and grape juice, and setting up The Sanctuary once a month. Or, take communion to local nursing homes and home-bound congregants once a month.
Matthew 25 Thrift Store
Serve at our local thrift store by sorting items, hanging clothes, and selling merchandise. The thrift store is open from.
Nursing Home Worship
The first Monday of each month at 9am, meet in the Fellowship Hall to ride with Alicia Gordon and Pastor Zach as they head down the road to praise the Lord with the residents of Ivy Crest and NHC. Alicia Gordon leads them in song, and Pastor Zach shares a short message.
Prayer Shawl
Prayer Shawl makes, prays over, and delivers blankets to anyone who needs comfort or has something to celebrate. If you can cut or sew, you can help. Prayer Shawl meets... of each month at... If you can't attend, you can also donate materials or hand-made blankets.
Wesley is the college and young adult ministry. Wesley works to minister to students on campus at UT Southern and young adults in the community.
Praise Band
The Praise Band leads the congregation in contemporary worship songs. No matter your age or instrument, you are welcome. The Praise Band performs at The Table on the 3rd Sunday of each month and practices each Sunday at 4:30pm.
Learn how to operate the sound board and run the projection on Sunday mornings during worship, during services at The Table, or during special events. We will train!