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Confirmation is the time where youth learn what it means to be United Methodist and why we believe what we believe.

Confirmation is the process by which young people are taught the methodology, theology, and history of the United Methodist Church before affirming their commitment to Christ and becoming official members of the United Methodist family.

Confirmation classes occur weekly (typically throughout the month of April), led by both our Senior and Youth pastors, until Confirmation Sunday. The classes teach about What We Believe (God, Grace, and Humanity); Worship, Sacraments, and Liturgy; Scripture and the Quadrilateral; Ecumenical Faith; and Confirming our Faith and Social Principles. The goal of these classes is not only to teach young people what it means to be United Methodist but also to deepen their faith in God and strengthen their ties to each other and their faith community.

One special aspect of Confirmation is the pairing of youth with mentors within the church. Youth are encouraged to pick their own mentors and to ask them to walk beside them in this process. It is an honor to be chosen as a mentor as it is a recognition of the impact your faith has made within the church. Mentors attend Confirmation classes with their mentees and are encouraged to answer questions that crop up throughout the confirmation process. Many mentors and mentees develop strong bonds that help to strengthen the faith of both parties for years to come.

This year, seven youth were confirmed in our church and two were baptized. We welcome them with open arms and can't wait to see the impact they make for Christ in our church and the world.

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